Having a solid handle on your financial well-being makes for one less stressor – and better sleep at night. But then you probably know that. Let’s explore some of the stereotypes and misperceptions that can get in the way of building your financial confidence and reducing stress through planning — and practical ways to get started or move ahead with your plan.
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How to Love Yourself (Lakeside Chat 2-3-21)
People are experiencing so many things over the last year: feelings of isolation, anxiety over something as simple as shopping in public, the frustration of trying to adopt new technology, the list goes on & on. We could all use a few tips on how to take better care of ourselves so we’re better equipped to face whatever challenges come next.
Outlook 2021: Powering Forward (Lakeside Chats 1-6-21)
Powering Forward
Join us this week as Adam takes us through the LPL Research Outlook 2021: Powering Forward which covers post-election policy, the economy, stocks and bonds, and LPL Research’s economic and market forecasts for 2021.
Cyber Safety (Lakeside Chats 12-1-20)
Many of us, regardless of age or technical skill, find our daily lives intertwined with technology more often than we’d like. With that, comes vulnerability to computer viruses, scams & potentially identity theft. As in most cases, knowledge is power: therefore, we invite you to gain insight & knowledge from local tech company Twinstate.
Gifting and Your Legacy: When is the best time to give?
Seriously considering the timing and focus of your gifting and legacy for the first time — or perhaps reconsidering it — was among the countless tough questions stimulated by the global coronavirus pandemic. For many, widespread death and uncertainty raised the perennial question: How do I want to be remembered?
Election Impacts (Lakeside Chats 10-27-20)
This chat covered the timely topic of the possible long-term impact of an election on the stock market (hint – historically, it really doesn’t matter). Our host, David Keib, a wholesaler at Capital Group, home of American Funds, has 12 years of investment industry experience and has been with Capital Group for six years.
Making Mason Jar Cheesecake (Lakeside Chat 10-14-20)
This week we had cake artist Janina Kotulich as our guest to show us how to bake delicious Caramel Apple Cheesecake in mini mason jars! See ingredients and supplies below if you'd like to follow along.
Medicare: Open Enrollment (Lakeside Chat 10-8-20)
This week we will have guest speaker, Ronald Gist, discuss Medicare and the open enrollment period coming up.
Ronald is a Health Insurance Counseling & Advocacy Program (HICAP) Counselor with the Clinton County Office for the Aging, and has been working with them for 10 years to help people get the most out of their Medicare benefits. And don’t worry if you live outside of Clinton County – Medicare is a Federal program and is the same no matter where you live in the US.
SRI, ESG, or Impact Investing: How to decide which is best for you
By whatever its name, the options for putting your money where your personal values are have never been greater. But the array of terms can be overwhelming. Whether you are just beginning as an investor or have been investing for years, a recap of your choices can be useful to make sure you aren’t simply chasing after the latest shiny object — or missing out on a growing trend that’s a perfect match for your personal values and investing goals.
How to Thrive During Volatile Markets (Lakeside Chats 9-30-20)
We discussed how to thrive during volatile markets to help you better understand what’s happening and what the future could hold.