Money and You

Archived Articles (2)

Why Your Credit Score Matters

The ABCs of FICO Credit Score Have you ever wondered why financial professionals make a fuss about credit/FICO scores? You may not think your credit score is a big deal, especially if your income is healthy; however, your income has nothing to do with your credit score. You can make a king’s ransom and have a poor credit score – or have a small income and a... Read More

Starting a New Job?

Don’t leave any assets behind. With the region experiencing an uptick in employment recently, you may be exploring new job opportunities or beginning a new job. It’s important to remember to pack up your finances along with the personal items from your desk. You don’t want to leave assets behind unintentionally. Read More

Year-End Financial Tips

For many of us, the last page of the calendar is usually filled with professional and social obligations. The month of December is quickly approaching and signals the end of one year and the pending arrival of a new one; so it makes sense to set aside a few hours to firmly position your finances for the coming New Year and "tax season". Here are some... Read More

The Golden Rules of 401(k)'s and Retirement Savings

Save early and often. At a time when so many of our basic long-held beliefs regarding personal finance and the economy are shaken, there is one piece of advice still worth passing on to offspring and grandchildren, particularly recent and soon-to-be college graduates: save and contribute to 401(k)'s, Roth's, IRA's, and retirement plans at every opportunity. Read More

Is Economic Volatility Here to Stay?

There are ways to manage it. Natural disasters, European and US debt concerns, corporate personnel turnovers, credit downgrades, political turmoil in the Middle East, ever-changing domestic employment and housing figures – all of these factors have created a yo-yo effect on stock markets worldwide. It seems we need to continue to expect the unexpected when... Read More

Spring Cleaning Your Portfolio

As you spruce up your house and garden this spring, don't forget that your investments may have gotten a little dusty too. Taking time to spruce up your personal finances can reap both immediate and long-term benefits. With summer right around the corner, you'll want to be outdoors. So in the interest of time, here is a quick checklist of things to... Read More

Have You Had "The Talk" With Your Kids? It's Recommended You Speak Early and Often About Money

As parents, you have probably often heard that you should speak openly and often with your children about all kinds of tough issues – bullying, alcohol, and drug use to name a few. You may wish to add another topic to the list: money. Like other important conversation subjects, learning about and developing sensible financial habits is a long-term goal for... Read More

What to Do With Your Tax Refund

Getting a tax refund this year? Think twice. Read More

401K, Pension, IRAs: To Convert or Not to Convert?

Gaining a thorough understanding of all the options available for retirement saving and planning is no small task. Whether you’re considering moving your 401k, your pension savings, or converting to a Roth IRA; it is important to make sound decisions – today’s choices often determine your future retirement income. Converting a traditional Individual... Read More

Tax Benefits of Going Green with Your Business & Home

Going green is a smart choice both for the planet, and more than ever in these days of federal and state tax incentives, for your wallet. Here are a few of the many opportunities available. (As always, consult a qualified financial advisor and tax professional before making a major financial decision.) Read More