Money and You

Articles (4)

You didn't expect a divorce: Now what?

You didn't expect a divorce: Now what?

At the wedding, who thinks those two little words ”I do” might suddenly lead to the four words “I want a divorce.”? No one expects to get divorced. But now that you’ve heard (or uttered) those four words, what do you do? Read More
Financial Planning for your thirties and forties

Financial Planning Tips for Your 30s and 40s

Planning for retirement is typically something we think about when we approach our 50s and 60s. However, if you haven't done much (or any) financial planning by your 30s and 40s for your future, it's time for you to get your financial house in order. Remember, when building a house, you must first start with a solid foundation. The same is true for... Read More
Worried about Outliving your Money?

Worried about Outliving your Money?

If you asked earlier generations what their biggest fear was – they might have answered, “dying too young.” Asking that question today would probably get you the exact opposite answer: “I’m worried about outliving my money.” It’s a fear that is shared by many – even wealthy individuals. According to the 2019 AICPA Going Broke Remains Top Concern in... Read More
business transition and succession: why you need a plan

Business transition and succession: why you need a plan

Businesses start with the best of intentions. While beginnings are an exciting time, a strong business foundation needs to include planning for multiple future scenarios and potential “what-ifs,” including business transition and succession. Unfortunately, many business owners don’t plan for their end game. Read More
talking with your adult children about money

Talking with your adult children about money

Talking with your kids about money changes as they get older and as you get younger (of course). If this has been a conversation you have shared since they were young, it’s natural to continue to discuss financial matters as the years go on. In a perfect world this would be the way it is all the time. Unfortunately, the opposite is often true. Read More
talking with your young children about money

Talking with Your Kids About Money

While everyone has different views about money, it’s important to have “money talks” with your kids about the basic concepts at an early age. You don’t want these conversations to be heavy-handed or hour-long lectures, but aim for brief observations whenever opportunities come up. My husband and I are regularly on the lookout for teachable moments to talk... Read More
what keeps you up at night part 2 with image of sheep with dollar signs in the wool jumping over a fence

What Keeps You Up at Night? (Part 2)

Know that you are not alone if you toss and turn as you try to fall asleep. In 'Part 1', we focused on the financial concerns of a married couple with young children, but noted that the Gallup-Healthways Well-Being Index shows 61 percent of Americans worry about how to manage their economic life to reduce stress and increase security. That’s a lot of... Read More
what keeps your up at night with image showing sheep with dollar signs in the wool jumping over a fence

What Keeps You Up at Night?

Are you tossing and turning as you try to fall asleep? Is there a lot of mind chatter running through your head about your financial future? For many of us, finances are what keep us up at night (at least prior to the pandemic). According to the Capital One CreditWise survey, 73% of Americans rank their finances as the No. 1 stress in life. Read More
seven tips for financial planning in your seventies

7 Tips for Financial Planning in your 70s

Many people in their 70s are retired. Whether you're one of them or not, it doesn't mean you should stop your financial planning – in fact it means you should pay even more attention as finances in your 70s offer more opportunities (and risks) now than ever before. Here are seven tips to help make sure you're well prepared for your 70s and beyond. Read More
six steps to financial planning in your sixties

Six Steps for Financial Planning in Your 60s

Surprise, your 60s have arrived! If you’re someone who hasn’t paid much attention to your financial future before, the 60s are the years to buckle down and get serious. If you have carefully planned your finances throughout your working life, then your 60s is the time to take a second look. Retirement is just around the corner for most people, so whatever... Read More