Money and You
Financial Planning

Second Opinion? Six reasons you may want fresh financial advice
Adam Robert: January 24, 2024
You leave your financial advisor’s office with a nagging doubt. They’re the one with the credentials, of course. But something’s not right. Should you get a second financial opinion? Yes, say those who have done so, and don’t think twice. A fresh perspective can make all the difference for your financial health and confidence. Here are a few good reasons to...
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Big Life Change? Helpful Financial Strategies for Women in Transition
Heidi Clute: January 13, 2023
Are you a woman in transition? If you’re facing a big life change — as a successful owner or manager of a rapidly growing business, someone with a recent inheritance, or perhaps recently widowed, divorced, engaged, married, or dealing with illness — then you’re a woman in transition, and you have special financial needs.
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What is a Daily Money Manager? (Lakeside Chat 12-7-22)
Christina Ubl: December 7, 2022
This month we were joined by Robyn Young, Certified Daily Money Manager®, a professional who collaborates to help with bill paying and more. Robyn is the founder and owner of Money Care, LLC. She is also currently Vice President of the American Association of Daily Money Managers (AADMM) and is a member of the Vermont Elder Resource Group.
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Aging in Place (Lakeside Chats 3-2-22)
Christina Ubl: March 2, 2022
This month's Lakeside Chat topic was about "Aging in Place". When a senior or older adult chooses to live at home rather than move into an assisted living or skilled nursing facility, it's known as "aging in place". It's a decision that is gaining popularity and is a question that often comes up for folks as they plan their retirement.
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The Importance of Having an Estate Plan (Lakeside Chat 12-1-21)
Christina Ubl: December 1, 2021
This month we will be discussing the importance of having an estate plan; our host will be Attorney Adam Bartsch. Hewill be talking to us about the importance of having a plan in the event you become incapacitated or die.
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3 Year-End Tax Strategies for 2021 to Keep Your Financial Plan on Track
Adam Robert: September 9, 2021
The year 2021 is fast coming to an end, but there is still time to make smart moves to maximize your savings and minimize your tax bill next spring. While your situation at this point in time will vary from your neighbor’s or colleagues', here are three year-end tax strategies that can help you no matter what your life stage or current situation.
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2021 Midyear Outlook (Lakeside Chat 7-14-21)
Adam Robert: July 14, 2021
For our next Lakeside Chat, we're proudly presenting LPL ResearchMidyear Outlook 2021with investment insights and market guidance for the rest of 2021. Adam walks through the Midyear Outlook 2021 publicationfor a comprehensive presentation on the markets and the global economy – and the opportunities and challenges that may lie ahead.
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Small Business Owners: How to Chart Your Course to a Spectacular Retirement
Heidi Clute: June 10, 2021
There’s a myth out there that most owners of small businesses and startups are younger people. In fact, the opposite is true: Most business owners are age 55 and over. That reality can turn what are usually the peak earning and retirement savings years from your late 40s to late 50s into something more akin to watching " The Perils of Pauline." But it...
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Is Now the Right Time to Make a Major Financial Move?
Christina Ubl: May 13, 2021
You take comfort in knowing your financial plan is designed to help you advance steadily toward your long-term goals — and to flex as your situation and goals change. But during 2020 and 2021, everything changed. So, let’s look at how to decide whether now is the right time for you to make a major financial move.
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