Money and You


Outlook 2022 Guest: Brian Levitt Global Market Strategist at Invesco Lakeside Chats 2-1-22

Outlook 2022 (Lakeside Chat 2-1-22)

For our February Lakeside Chat, we were joined by guest host Brian Levitt from Invesco sharing their 2022 Outlook. Brian is a Global Market Strategist, and is responsible for the development and communication of the firm’s investment outlooks and insights. He earned a BA degree in economics from the University of Michigan and an MBA with honors in finance... Read More

SRI, ESG, or Impact Investing: How to decide which is best for you

By whatever its name, the options for putting your money where your personal values are have never been greater. But the array of terms can be overwhelming. Whether you are just beginning as an investor or have been investing for years, a recap of your choices can be useful to make sure you aren’t simply chasing after the latest shiny object — or missing... Read More
Covid-19 and the Stock Market: What Should You Do?

Covid-19 and the Stock Market: What Should You Do?

If you are like many investors, the wild swings in the markets since the coronavirus pandemic began have made you wonder what, if anything, you should be doing. While every investor's situation is different, CFP® professionals Christina Ubl and Adam Robert sat down for their inaugural audiocast to answer the most common questions asked about Covid-19, the... Read More
is your money invested where your values are?

Is Your Money Invested Where Your Values Are?

If you have ever recycled at home, avoided products made overseas by sweatshop labor, grown your own vegetables, supported gender and racial diversity, or owned a fuel-efficient car, then you may be surprised to discover your investments can be working against your values. Do you know what’s in your portfolio? How can you find out what your money is... Read More
your retirement spending and income, two plans are better than one

Your Retirement Spending AND Income: Two Plans are Better than One

Retirement plans demonstrate the wisdom of the proverb “two heads are better than one” — a proverb that always brings to mind the music from the classic Sesame Street video. Now the “two heads” can be you and your spouse, or you and your financial advisor, but you can also benefit from encouraging a dialogue between the income-you and the spending-you. Read More
Five ways to avoid sleepless nights in retirement

Five Ways to Help Avoid Sleepless Nights in Retirement

Financial headlines can be hazardous to your sleep health in retirement. It is easy to get the jitters and start worrying that you should do something, anything but stay on your current financial course. Yet it rarely makes sense to panic and sell your holdings. Over the years I have developed a list of five ways to help you avoid the sleepless nights in... Read More

Roth Accounts: Another Retirement Savings Vehicle

While saving for retirement, many focus on the advantages of traditional Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA) and employer sponsored retirement plans. The advantages of these accounts include a regular savings method that reduces your current, overall taxable income – since your savings contribution comes “right off the top” of your paycheck; and the... Read More

Fiscal Cliff? It's Possible to Scale it and Climb Higher.

There's been talk about the possibility of the U.S. economy "going off a cliff" at the end of this calendar year. What is this "cliff" pundits are referring to? It's actually a possible culmination of a number of government tax and benefits changes scheduled to impact our economy simultaneously. Specifically, the Bush tax cuts and payroll tax cuts are due... Read More

Concentrated Stock Positions

What to do with too many eggs in one basket. What is a concentrated stock position? It is defined as holding one particular stock that comprises 30% or more of your overall investments or portfolio. You may wonder why this is an issue, particularly if you are saving for retirement or the long term. Read More

The Golden Rules of 401(k)'s and Retirement Savings

Save early and often. At a time when so many of our basic long-held beliefs regarding personal finance and the economy are shaken, there is one piece of advice still worth passing on to offspring and grandchildren, particularly recent and soon-to-be college graduates: save and contribute to 401(k)'s, Roth's, IRA's, and retirement plans at every opportunity. Read More