Money and You

Is Economic Volatility Here to Stay?

September 12, 2011 | Topics: Archived Articles, Articles, Investing, Volatility

There are ways to manage it.

Natural disasters, European and US debt concerns, corporate personnel turnovers, credit downgrades, political turmoil in the Middle East, ever-changing domestic employment and housing figures – all of these factors have created a yo-yo effect on stock markets worldwide. It seems we need to continue to expect the unexpected when it comes to the economy and investments.

Spring Cleaning Your Portfolio

May 5, 2011 | Topics: Archived Articles, Articles, Investing

As you spruce up your house and garden this spring, don't forget that your investments may have gotten a little dusty too. Taking time to spruce up your personal finances can reap both immediate and long-term benefits. With summer right around the corner, you'll want to be outdoors. So in the interest of time, here is a quick checklist of things to consider, why they’re important, and links to additional resources.

401K, Pension, IRAs: To Convert or Not to Convert?

January 10, 2010 | Topics: Archived Articles, Articles, Taxes, Investing

Gaining a thorough understanding of all the options available for retirement saving and planning is no small task. Whether you’re considering moving your 401k, your pension savings, or converting to a Roth IRA; it is important to make sound decisions – today’s choices often determine your future retirement income. Converting a traditional Individual Retirement Account (IRA) account into a Roth IRA is of particular interest at the moment because of new 2010 IRS rules. Talking with a financial planner could save you time in the short term and money in the long term, but here are some options to explore now:

Tax Benefits of Going Green with Your Business & Home

October 10, 2009 | Topics: Archived Articles, Articles, Taxes, Investing

Going green is a smart choice both for the planet, and more than ever in these days of federal and state tax incentives, for your wallet. Here are a few of the many opportunities available. (As always, consult a qualified financial advisor and tax professional before making a major financial decision.)