Money and You

Succession Planning

Key to a smooth business ownership transfer.

From the outside looking in, it may appear that transferring a business (through a sale to an outside party or succeeding control/ownership to an employee and/or family member) is an easy, if bureaucratic, process. But the tiniest of scratches to the surface reveals all sorts of issues that require careful consideration; not the least of which is maintaining the success and profitability of the business throughout the ownership transition.

You did WHAT!? Common Financial Pitfalls

Avoid common financial pitfalls for a more secure future.

In life and matters of the wallet, rest assured that we all make mistakes. Mistakes are a critical part of our education process – but when it comes to your finances, some lessons and consequences can be quite lasting. In an effort to help you learn from others, and potentially save a great deal of money and heartache, you may wish to review some of the following most common financial mistakes, and ways to avoid or mitigate them.

Roth Accounts: Another Retirement Savings Vehicle

While saving for retirement, many focus on the advantages of traditional Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA) and employer sponsored retirement plans. The advantages of these accounts include a regular savings method that reduces your current, overall taxable income – since your savings contribution comes “right off the top” of your paycheck; and the ability for your employer to make contributions, thereby growing your savings at no additional cost to you.

Preparing to Cope with Health Issues in a Time of Uncertainty

July 11, 2011 | Topics: Recent Articles, Articles, Risk Protection

When a medical crisis hits you or a family member, you are faced with often daunting financial and emotional challenges. While health issues can be overwhelming in their magnitude and unpredictability, preparing for unpleasant contingencies can eliminate some of the problems you might face. Planning ahead may seem all the more daunting with health care and insurance in an ongoing state of flux. The question is: How do you prepare for the unexpected, in times of uncertainty?

Estate Planning to Avoid Family Discord

Family relationships are so fundamental to our personal identity and so often they are complicated. During a time of grieving and mourning over the death of a loved one, family relations can become even more emotionally charged. Although none of us can avoid death, it is possible to minimize potential family conflicts through advanced, careful estate planning.

Negotiating the Rapids of Business Transitions

For many business owners – especially women – their businesses and their lives are practically interchangeable. Two-thirds of small business owners say their business is their greatest personal asset and primary source of family income. If you are one of these owners, protecting your company and ensuring your financial security are often the same thing.