Money and You

Retirement Planning

Medicare: Health Care in Retirement. Guest Timothy O'Mara Vice President of the Retirement Institute at Nationwide Financial. Lakeside Chats

Medicare: Health Care in Retirement (10-18-23 Lakeside Chat)

Choosing the right Medicare plan is an important part of retirement planning but due to its complexity, it can often leave people wondering if they are making the best choices for their health care in retirement. That's why we wanted to bring in an expert to help. Read More
Medicare 101; Guest: Roberta Eckert Vice President Nationwide Retirement Institute Lakeside Chats 9-14-22

Medicare 101 (Lakeside Chats 9-14-22)

Back by popular demand, folks joined us in September for a Lakeside Chat on the topic of Medicare. We were joined by Roberta Eckert who is the Vice President of the Nationwide Retirement Institute and our guest expert to discuss some important things to know when you're looking at Medicare, including who's eligible, when you can apply, and how much you... Read More
Aging in Place Guest: Kari Charette Director of Patient Services at HCr Home Care CHHA Lakeside Chats 3-2-22

Aging in Place (Lakeside Chats 3-2-22)

This month's Lakeside Chat topic was about "Aging in Place". When a senior or older adult chooses to live at home rather than move into an assisted living or skilled nursing facility, it's known as "aging in place". It's a decision that is gaining popularity and is a question that often comes up for folks as they plan their retirement. Read More
Healthcare in Retirement - A Lakeside

Healthcare in Retirement (Lakeside Chat 10-6-21)

Our October Lakeside Chat featured guest expert Valerie Mariani from Fidelity Institutional. She is a Sr. Regional Investment Consultant, and has been with Fidelity for 17 years. She provided insight on Medicare and healthcare in general during retirement. Read More
Small business owners: How to chart your course to a spectacular retirement

Small Business Owners: How to Chart Your Course to a Spectacular Retirement

There’s a myth out there that most owners of small businesses and startups are younger people. In fact, the opposite is true: Most business owners are age 55 and over. That reality can turn what are usually the peak earning and retirement savings years from your late 40s to late 50s into something more akin to watching " The Perils of Pauline." But it... Read More
Medicare: Open Enrollment

Medicare: Open Enrollment (Lakeside Chat 10-8-20)

This week we will have guest speaker, Ronald Gist, discuss Medicare and the open enrollment period coming up. Ronald is a Health Insurance Counseling & Advocacy Program (HICAP) Counselor with the Clinton County Office for the Aging, and has been working with them for 10 years to help people get the most out of their Medicare benefits. And don’t worry if... Read More

Social Security (Lakeside Chats 9-1-20)

We revisited a topic of high interest, Social Security. Our host will be Matt Sperazzo. Matt is an External Business Consultant with John Hancock Investments and has been with the company for 13 years. Matt also has his NSSA designation through the National Social Security Advisors Association. Read More
Changing Gears from Saving to Spending in Retirement: What You Need to Know

Changing Gears from Saving to Spending in Retirement: What You Need to Know

Changing gears from earning and saving your money to spending your savings is a major challenge for most of us. It’s not that sudden massive shopping sprees or a lavish lifestyle are planned by most retirees — the spending usually involves buying routine things. The challenge is in adjusting to where the money comes from during your retirement. Read More

5 Myths about Getting Your Affairs in Order

No, It's not only for the wealthy. You know it. I know it. Just about everyone knows it. Setting up a will and other “in case of emergency” documents is important. But procrastination and misperceptions make it easy to put off getting your affairs in order. One 2019 survey found that 76% know a will is important, but only 40% have one. Let’s look at 5... Read More
your retirement spending and income, two plans are better than one

Your Retirement Spending AND Income: Two Plans are Better than One

Retirement plans demonstrate the wisdom of the proverb “two heads are better than one” — a proverb that always brings to mind the music from the classic Sesame Street video. Now the “two heads” can be you and your spouse, or you and your financial advisor, but you can also benefit from encouraging a dialogue between the income-you and the spending-you. Read More