Money and You


3 Year-End Tax Strategies for 2021 to Keep Your Financial Plan on Track

3 Year-End Tax Strategies for 2021 to Keep Your Financial Plan on Track

The year 2021 is fast coming to an end, but there is still time to make smart moves to maximize your savings and minimize your tax bill next spring. While your situation at this point in time will vary from your neighbor’s or colleagues', here are three year-end tax strategies that can help you no matter what your life stage or current situation. Read More

2012 Year-End Financial Tips

'Tis the Season! Just when it seems things can’t get any busier – December arrives. This month is typically loaded with family obligations, year-end business deadlines, and increased spending. This potent mix can wreak havoc on your budget and ultimately your ability to meet your own financial goals. To sleep a little easier this month and next, it may help... Read More

Year-End Financial Tips

For many of us, the last page of the calendar is usually filled with professional and social obligations. The month of December is quickly approaching and signals the end of one year and the pending arrival of a new one; so it makes sense to set aside a few hours to firmly position your finances for the coming New Year and "tax season". Here are some... Read More

What to Do With Your Tax Refund

Getting a tax refund this year? Think twice. Read More

401K, Pension, IRAs: To Convert or Not to Convert?

Gaining a thorough understanding of all the options available for retirement saving and planning is no small task. Whether you’re considering moving your 401k, your pension savings, or converting to a Roth IRA; it is important to make sound decisions – today’s choices often determine your future retirement income. Converting a traditional Individual... Read More

Tax Benefits of Going Green with Your Business & Home

Going green is a smart choice both for the planet, and more than ever in these days of federal and state tax incentives, for your wallet. Here are a few of the many opportunities available. (As always, consult a qualified financial advisor and tax professional before making a major financial decision.) Read More