Money and You

Big Life Change? Helpful Financial Strategies for Women in Transition
Heidi Clute: January 13, 2023
Are you a woman in transition? If you’re facing a big life change — as a successful owner or manager of a rapidly growing business, someone with a recent inheritance, or perhaps recently widowed, divorced, engaged, married, or dealing with illness — then you’re a woman in transition, and you have special financial needs.
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Empowering Women (Lakeside Chat 3-3-21)
Christina Ubl: March 3, 2021
March marks Women’s History Month again, but many of us are not celebrating. Stories and images of courageous women of the past are everywhere. These women deserve recognition — they fought hard to advance equal rights and access for the majority of the U.S. population who happen to have been born female. Yet in 2021, it can feel increasingly difficult to...
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The Power of a Plan
Heidi Clute: June 11, 2013
Women, Money & Life’s Transitions When it comes to finances, that old cliché holds true: “hope for the best, but plan for the worst.” This is especially true for women. Why? On average, over the course of our lifetimes, women:
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Women & Money
Heidi Clute: June 7, 2012
Learning to meet fiscal responsibility head on. It's hard to accumulate wealth when you shy away from the responsibility of making fiscal decisions or if the idea of money scares you. Unfortunately, this emotional attitude toward money stops many women in their financial tracks and keeps them from reaching their long-term goals.
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