Imagine you have been out in the work world for nearly a decade and are doing well in your career. As your salary increased, you prioritized reducing your student debt by increasing your student loan payments each year. Suddenly, you realize your short-term future includes what once seemed nearly impossible — in a year or so your student loans will be paid off! Uh-oh, new financial decisions to be made. Let’s explore your financial future beyond paying off student debt and how to evaluate and choose the best options for you and your family.
Money and You
Looking Beyond Your Student Loans: What Young Professionals Need to Know
How to Have the Best Financial Date Night Ever!
Flowers…chocolate…401k? Let’s face it — talking money and financial planning with your significant other on a “date” may not be your first choice for spending quality time together. Even in the best of relationships, discussing money and finances can send two people running in opposite directions. Yet establishing the habit of scheduling an annual financial date night nurtures your long-term relationship and future together.
How to live well today (towards a loan free tomorrow)
After the grueling pace of graduate school, obtaining that advanced degree, and finding a great course for your professional career – you can finally turn your attention to other life choices. One choice that you’ll be faced with is what to do with the substantial student loan debt. More importantly is, how do you balance enjoying life while starting to pay-off those looming large loans?
Why Your Credit Score Matters
The ABCs of FICO Credit Score
Have you ever wondered why financial professionals make a fuss about credit/FICO scores? You may not think your credit score is a big deal, especially if your income is healthy; however, your income has nothing to do with your credit score. You can make a king’s ransom and have a poor credit score – or have a small income and a very high credit score. So here are some basic facts about FICO and credit scores.