Applying for student loans is a big part of the college planning process for nearly all families with college-bound students. When you're applying for a student loan, it's important to check your eligibility and gather the required paperwork, including the FAFSA form. Christina Ubl, CFP® and co-owner of Clute Wealth Management answers some of the frequently asked questions about applying for student loans and how to avoid some of the most common mistakes.
Common Mistakes & Frequently Asked Questions About Applying for Student Loans
Tips and Advice for Life Insurance After Divorce
After a major life event, like a divorce, it's important to re-evaluate your financial planning, estate planning, and other important documents that could have been affected by the change in your situation. Adam Robert, CFP®, APMA, and co-owner of Clute Wealth Management gives his insights and advice to help MoneyGeek readers think about their life insurance needs when going through a major change in your life like a divorce.
Adam Robert Provides Insights on Interest Rate Cuts on WCAX
Adam Robert joined Darren Perron from WCAX on Sunday September 22 during "You Can Quote Me." Adam answered some of the questions that many people have after the Federal Reserve, the U.S. central banking system, recently cut interest rates for the first time in four years, reducing the key lending rate by half a percentage point, to a range of 4.75% to 5%.
Adam Robert Joins the North Country Center for Independence Board of Directors
Adam Robert, co-owner of Clute Wealth Management, was recently elected to join the board of directors at the North Country Center for Independence.
Christina Attends the Annual Strictly Business Forum
Christina joined local business leaders at the annual invite-only Forum hosted by Strictly Business to discuss a broad range of topics relating to the state of business in the Northeast corner of New York State.
An Experts' Tips on the Worth of Life Insurance
Life insurance has been around for a long time, but the COVID-19 pandemic highlighted its importance to many who may not have considered purchasing it before. Now, people are wondering if they should be covered by life insurance, how much it will cost, and if it's really their best choice.
Tips and Insights on Purchasing Family Life Insurance
In her most recent professional advice for MoneyGeek, Christina provided tips, insights, and advice for navigating the purchasing of family life insurance for all types of families.
Christina's Expert Insight on Insurance for Businesses
Christina continues to be called on to provide her insight on her topics of expertise. She offers advice to small business owners on the types of insurance they may want to consider, and the key factors to consider when shopping for insurance, along with some of the most common mistakes and how to avoid them.
Christina Featured as Guest Expert on Finances During Divorce
Christina provided tips and resources for financial planning through a divorce in the MoneyGeek article "Financial Planning for a Divorce". Included in the article are important resources, and the steps to navigating the whole process, and Christina gives insight on some of the most common financial mistakes that are made during a divorce.
Expert Insight on Financial Planning for Retirement
Christina provided expert insight on financial planning for retirement in the MoneyGeek article "Older Adults' Guide to Income Streams and Money Management in Retirement". Included are tips on how to earn income in retirement, calculating life expectancy when planning for retirement, and a list of resources for income streams for aging adults.