What keeps you up at night? Part 2: Young Families - Heidi Clute on WCAX news
What keeps you up at night? Part 1 : Open enrollment dates - Heidi Clute on WCAX news
Getting Your Finances in Order: Heidi Clute on WCAX News
Learn how to get your finances in order: In the second segment of her ongoing financial series on WCAX Channel 3's Morning News, Heidi Clute appeared to discuss tips for getting your finances in order.
2014 Road Pitch Ride
The Inaugural "Road Pitch" sent "business bikers" on a four day motorcycle trip around Vermont where they held "office hours" in select towns stopping by appointment to listen to business pitches from start-up or early stage companies. The 2014 event was scheduled for August 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th.
Investing from your 30s to 60s: CWM appears on WCAX TV's Money Week
WCAX-TV, Burlington, VT – February 19, 2014 – Clute Wealth Management Certified Financial Planner Heidi Clute provides tips for saving and investing well into your 60s.
Your Financial Journey: Getting Started
Chistina Ubl, a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ with Clute Wealth Management, said individual circumstances will dictate how much money to set aside each month. Ubl tells clients to analyze their cash flow and fully comprehend their income compared to their expenditures.
Financial expert gives advice on money management after layoff
WCAX-TV, Burlington, VT – Clute Wealth Management Financial Planner Christina Ubl advises what to do after layoff.
Falling Short on Retirement Savings?
It’s never too late to improve your bottom line.
WCAX-TV, Burlington, VT - If you've retired or are getting ready to retire in Vermont-- experts say pay attention. A new report from suggests seniors need 70-percent of their working income to make retirement work.
Vermont Works for Women: Divas Do Good!
Divas Do Good is the brainchild of the Vermont Comedy Divas stand-up comedy group, which uses humor to give back to local non-profit organizations. Clute Wealth Management was thrilled to sponsor this first event, benefitting Vermont Works for Women. Consistent with Clute Wealth Management’s dedication to providing “financial strategies for women in transition®,” Vermont Works for Women helps women and girls recognize their potential and explore, pursue and excel in work that leads to economic independence.
Vermont Women’s History Month
The Vermont Historical Society partnered with the Vermont Commission on Women to celebrate "Vermont Women in Journalism" as part of an annual event focused on women's history. A remarkable panel of women offered perspectives on the progress and challenges of women journalists in Vermont across all types of media and walks of life. Clute Wealth Management was pleased to join as one of the sponsors of this event, Montpelier area's community access television station filmed the event and you can view the video online.